You’ve successfully gained a huge number of twitter followers, your mailing list is bulging at the seams, but this doesn’t seem to be translating into sales. What’s going wrong?
You may be spending too much time focusing on growing your contacts and not enough time on what you send to them. Or adding people to your list that will never be interested in your products
Target the right people
By targeting people that are in the right sectors, demographics or location for your services or products you are more likely to be able to turn these contacts into customers.
It’s better to have a shorter but targeted list of contacts that have a strong possibility of turning into customers than a long, uncertain list of contacts that could never turn into anything.
Don’t forget about those on your list
It’s not over once you have added them to your contact list. You may have their details but if you do not keep their interest they will forget about you!
Send our regular email campaigns and social media updates to keep them up to date and interested.
Don’t just sell sell sell
Make sure your emails and posts don’t just shove your services in their face. If you only send out marketing emails they will read one and then forget about the rest.
Try adding in business advice or interesting information about your sector or general business.
Your contacts should begin to see you as a useful, informative contact and this should help them to trust you and your services as well ass see you as business savvy, always important if they are ever going to use your services!
Although a little marketing now and then never hurts!
Hopefully by following this guide you should be able to turn more of your contacts in customers.