3 Ways To Build More Trust In a Digital World


In today’s market-place, trust is everything. As a nation though, according to the Express, almost one in five people don’t trust anyone at all! Yet the key to selling is trust. We all know and love the old cliche “people buy from people” and that’s all well and good when you’re at a sales meeting … Read more

Does a new business need a website?


Is a website necessary for a business that is only just starting out? Before you begin to make sales and generate a large amount of business, is there any point in spending money on a website? Will anyone find your site? In this blog post, I hope to answer this question and explain why a … Read more

What is WooCommerce & Who Should Use It?


Key discussion points: Where does WooCommerce sit in the ecommerce vendor market? What types of business does it suit & why? What are the pros and cons of the platform? Out the box, how good is the core performance? What do your developers like and dislike about Woo? Podcast Transcribe James Gurd [00:00:05] Hello and … Read more

Digitally Delivering our Discovery Session


A big part of what we do, at the beginning of any web or branding project, is project discovery. We hold face to face session with key stakeholders to understand how the business operates and how they interact with customers. We do this to make sure we understand how the website should work and where … Read more

How To Convert Users Into Customers Online


There’s a reason that the adjective “animated” is most often used in a positive sense: it suggests excitement and inspiration, energy and motion. To be animated is to attract attention, to have something extra or beyond the ordinary. It’s to stand out. Needless to say, businesses should be aiming to have all those qualities. You don’t need us to say that, in the online space, websites proliferate – and many fail to make their mark.

Site Speed Is Everything


There are so many design agencies out there that it can be difficult to know where to start. From smaller to larger, all-service to web specialists, design agencies come in many shapes and sizes. Given how important a website is to a business, choosing the right one is critical. But how should organisations choose?

How to Choose the Best Ecommerce Platform For Your Business


Once an optional extra, ecommerce is for many businesses now the default. As online shopping and purchasing becomes ever more widespread – and increasingly trusted by customers – companies are increasingly expected to offer direct access to the products and services via online payment gateways.

Overwhelmed By All The Design Agencies?


There are so many design agencies out there that it can be difficult to know where to start. From smaller to larger, all-service to web specialists, design agencies come in many shapes and sizes. Given how important a website is to a business, choosing the right one is critical. But how should organisations choose?